2008 - All rights reserved - ArmyAirfieldKingmanMuseum.com
Kingman Army Airfield Musuem

President Bruce Mitchell called the meeting to order.  He asked us to stand for the Flag Salute.  He said that everyone knows every body but please sign the Roll Call Sheet. 

He said that his computer is still down, but he has the bank statement that goes with the treasury report.  Gordon and Gerry have been making money for us.  We have taken in $ 29,000, no I mean 2,953.  We have  spent $ 2,000 in the last month or so. We have $ 8,400 in the bank.  Our bank account has increased a little, but not much.  That is our operating account.  (Bruce) I will quit telling everybody how much we have in savings as they have been wanting to spend some of it.  To heck with that. I'm going to move some of it out of the operating budget as soon as we get some one handle it.  I don't think it's a good idea to have that much money laying around.
Bob said we need some money to finish  the wall..  I was thinking about that. There was a man out here and he was going to give me the price to do it.  Has anybody heard how Russ is?  I was thinking that we could get the prisoners to do it. They could probably get the tin up in one day.

We need to go ahead and approve the treasury report.  We need to do that.  My computer won't print that.  I don't have a good report, like I would like to have.  Bob made the motion for approval and Loren seconded it.  All in favor? All approved. We need approval of minutes of the last meeting.  The minutes are right here.  Bob moved to have it passed.  Roy seconded it.  All in favor, say aye.  Passed.  Now for a committee report.  Roy said he has been on Pigeon Control.  They like to
roost up here.   Roy reported that he had put wire on all the ridge to keep the birds out and also down one side, and half way up the other.  He got a sore back and a stiff leg, going up and down the ladder.   He may finish today to get the other side done.   He spent $ 150.   Bruce said, you can't believe how  much wire costs.  Russ
was up there before he got hurt, and John got too old and shouldn't be up there. Bruce said, you shouldn't be up there, but we don't care about you!!  Roy said, I               talked to Bruce about putting a guide for the water that runs off the two sides and ends up down here.  Bruce said: it won't cost too much.  Gordon said: Some hawks can get the pigeons.

Bruce said, we need some help on the inventory.  I need to go through and put prices on things.  About three hundred items we don't have costs on.  There is a list on the desk.  Look at it and see if you remember who donated it. Put down a high price on it.

A guy called Bruce from California.  He has 75 rolls of maps of the Kingman Area.  Every kind of map.  Some where near Monterrey.  At first Bruce's daughter can go down there and get them.  It is a full car load.  Historic maps and mining.  Loren said:  What you don't want, the Mohave Museum will like to have them.There are two letters in the office about Johnson that says that they have documents on it.  I will write to them and say " please send it"  We will see if we can get the maps.

My future plan is to ask for smaller grants.  We will vote on what to pursue.  Repair the roof on the first grant.  We need a design for the sprinkler system.  It may cost $ 2,000 for a design.   We will vote on which on to ask for in a grant. Bruce:   WACOG  has a program for insurance to take care of accidents and injury. Flagstaff has a policy but they don't answer correspondence.  I will check on both. The Gift shop is ready to go. 

Bill is indisposed.  Someone tells Bruce that he thinks the storage room should have a window or door on its south side.  Bruce doesn't want a chance of entrance that way.  The Skunk Works is only five feet wide.  It won't hold much. Bob says that we need a work-shop for airplane parts.  Bob has stuff in his hanger that might be useful here.  We will have a vote on it next time, to ratify it. Gordon says we should have a vote on doing the roof first.  It is a priority. Bruce will work on plans for the roof and sprinkler system and the exterior.  Bill Shilling asked if we want a building or a museum.  Restore or Repair is the question.  We can restore the windows on the public side, but not on the south.  We will vote on it at next months meeting. 

The Building Department and the Fire Department have been checking our Building.  We don't want to stir up things.  This is a commercial building when people come into it.  Don't talk to people about the building. Only one person should have the authority to comment on it.  Roy made the motion that Bruce be  our Public Information Person to give the answer to questions.  Roy voted on the motion and Bob seconded it.  If some work is to be done, it will cost $ 3,000 for the permit, only on the building.

Bruce said, Moving On.  I will bring a 2 inch water pipe so we can put a faucet on it so we can put a hose by the door, so we have a hydrant to fight fire.  Bruce has
bought the hose.  Bob made the motion to repay him for it.  Seconded by _______. Motion passed. 

Henry Varga did the taxes for 2005 and 2006.  2007 will be done by April.   Henry needs a capital list. (Bruce)I will help Gordon on Thursday on the list.  501C3 needs the assets list for Henry.   Assets will give us a better chance for grants, etc.  More work has been done recently, than I hardly believed possible.  Bob said that Bruce is doing a fine job as president.

Roy asks for his suggestion on what to put on the agenda for next time.  The method of spending money without previous approval.  You should write it down
and it will be ratified by the board.  After it is ratified, it becomes OK.  An audit tells us what is correct.

We need to discuss invoices, so it is correct.  We need someone to call everyone in the group.  Evelyn offered to do that. Bob was telling us about the letter from John Barnes, when I ran out of tape. Meeting was then adjourned.